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Japan is No. 2 in Best Countries Index

Johanna Diago

Japan is No. 2 in Best Countries Index

Japan’s remarkable industrial performance catapulted it to the second spot in the 2024 Best Countries ranking published by U.S. News & World Report in collaboration with University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

Moving up four places from 6th in 2023, Japan now stands behind Switzerland and ahead of the United States.

Japan is the second-best country in the world, according to a ranking published by U.S. News & World Report (Photo source: Canva)

According to U.S. News & World Report, its distinct ranking method modified the BrandAsset Valuator Model which considers a variety of subcategories including openness for business, power, adventure, social purpose, and cultural influence.

The Best Countries index lists 89 nations and includes the opinions of business leaders and country representatives.

“The report sheds light on a country’s potential for economic, political, and cultural success and can serve as a strategic decision-making tool for citizens, business leaders and governments to better evaluate their countries,” said U.S. News & World Report Executive Chairman and CEO Eric Gertler.

Historically, Japan has had impressive performances in other competitiveness indices like the 2024 IMD World Competitiveness Ranking, where it came in 38th. The IMD report integrates the sustainable development goals (SDG) in its assessment.

Japan’s sustained high performance across these rankings illustrates its unique balance of tradition, innovation, and forward-looking strategies that resonate globally.

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Johanna Diago

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