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Kacific PNG: Bringing communities together through better connectivity

Johanna Diago

Kacific PNG: Bringing communities together through better connectivity

Founded in 2013, Kacific has transformed millions of lives in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, particularly those in remote and far-flung communities, by providing affordable, high-speed internet using geostationary satellites in countries like Papua New Guinea.

By leveraging satellite technology, Kacific surmounts the challenges of building infrastructure in rugged and hard-to-reach areas. This is especially significant in places like PNG, where geographical barriers often hinder traditional internet connectivity solutions.

Kacific’s satellites connect schools and medical clinics in far-flung rural communities in Papua New Guinea. (Photo source: Kacific)

A geostationary satellite is the best way to connect (to the internet) for many rural communities. It’s cheaper than getting cables on the ground and more convenient since only a dish is needed.

Kacific Marketing Communications Director for Asia Pacific Kaley Tan

“A geostationary satellite is the best way to connect (to the internet) for many rural communities. It’s cheaper than getting cables on the ground and more convenient since only a dish is needed,” said Kacific Marketing Communications Director for Asia Pacific Kaley Tan.

The company partners with local distributors to ensure smoother operations and employs local expertise to keep 40% of generated revenue within the local economy. Kacific has also created a training system that allows authorized installers to serve as maintenance technicians, which has opened a new income stream for them.

Kacific’s model aligns with the broader digital transformation in education, as students in rural areas can now access the same educational resources and opportunities as their urban counterparts, leveling the playing field in an increasingly digital world.

Kacific’s vision demonstrates how technology can be harnessed to address both economic and educational inequalities in underserved regions.


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Johanna Diago

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