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NY-based AI med tech startup raises $50 million


NY-based AI med tech startup raises $50 million

K Health, a leading AI-driven primary care company that provides 24/7 virtual primary care solutions through its mobile app, announced this month that it had raised $50 million in funding led by Claure Group with participation from investors, including Pablo Legorreta (founder and CEO of Royalty Pharma) and Mangrove Capital Partners, Valor Equity Partners, and Atreides Management.

K Health founder and CEO Allon Bloch

K Health said in the same statement that it had been developing its own AI technology for more than seven years. Today, it can provide 24/7 virtual primary care solutions to millions of people in the United States.

The K Health platform includes clinical-grade medical chat and AI predictive models based on large datasets to help physicians optimize diagnosis and treatment and focus on patient care.

Instead of doctors taking patients through lengthy procedures and manually piecing together their medical history from electronic medical records, K Health allows healthcare providers to engage more quickly and closely with patients by giving them a complete medical chart with patient insights straight from the app.

According to K Health, this new model of care delivery achieves dramatically higher quality of care at lower costs compared to traditional primary care.

“K Health solves the need to make primary care visits highly personalized by giving doctors AI superpowers that enable them to practice at the top of their license. Our primary care platform offers a concierge medical experience with an assigned provider and 24/7 access to care,” explained K Health founder and CEO Allon Bloch.

“When partnered with leading health systems, this model creates significant benefits to access, clinical outcomes, and patient experience. All you need to get care is your health insurance, a stark contrast to concierge medicine services that typically cost thousands of dollars,” Bloch added.

Meanwhile, Claure Group Founder and CEO Marcelo Claure said: As I invest in the AI landscape, I have found it incredibly difficult to discover companies making tangible, real-world progress with AI. K Health is the first company I’ve seen successfully using AI to impact millions of lives. They are addressing some of healthcare’s greatest challenges by providing accessibility to faster, higher-quality, lower-cost care on a large scale.”

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