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Sumitomo wins the confidence of nation-builders in Bangladesh


Sumitomo wins the confidence of nation-builders in Bangladesh

At the heart of Bangladesh’s economic development vision, the government has relied on long-term partners that have delivered the desired results. Sumitomo Corporation Asia and Oceania, a leader in trade and infrastructure development, is among those trusted partners as seen by its engagement in the development of the Bangladesh Special Economic Zone (BSEZ).

Sumitomo Corp. Asia & Oceania representatives led by (3rd and 4th from left) General Manager for Bangladesh Shinichi Nagata with the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan Shahabuddin Ahmed

In an interview with GMI POST, Sumitomo Corp. General Manager Shinichi Nagata shed light on how the Japanese giant has played a pivotal role in industrial development and job creation in the South Asian country.

“This office has more than 60 years of history. Historically, we engaged in the trading business. But now we are diversifying our business portfolio to include project development. We are now doing the Matabari deep sea port, a seven-year project to be completed this year. We are also involved in the Bangladesh Special Economic Zone. All these will be considered game changers,” Nagata said.

The Japanese executive also highlighted the symbiotic relationship between Sumitomo’s goals and the government’s vision to diversify its economy.

“The Bangladesh government wants to attract more high-value-added manufacturing. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced that Bangladesh will develop 100 special economic zones to attract holding direct investors. In line with that, the Japanese government willingly supports the development of the special economic zone,” Nagata said.

Sumitomo’s involvement in Bangladesh transcends mere business transactions; it embodies a deep-rooted commitment to partnership and trust-building. By aligning its objectives with the government’s economic vision, Sumitomo is investing not only in Bangladesh’s infrastructure but also in the prosperity and well-being of the Bangladeshi people.

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