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Unveiling innovation: Inside Stanford’s US-Asia Technology Management Center


Unveiling innovation: Inside Stanford’s US-Asia Technology Management Center

Marking its 32nd anniversary this year, Stanford University’s US-Asia Technology Management Center positions itself as a leading education and research center focused on integrating practical perspectives into international strategic technology management.

The center offers a unique industrial affiliate program, facilitating collaborative research discussions among faculty and corporate members in a pre-competitive environment. Corporate affiliates can also send employees as visiting scholars to engage with Silicon Valley’s ecosystem directly.

US-Asia Technology Management Center Director Richard B. Dasher

“Companies want to know about the most effective innovation programs. That’s why they join US-ATMC,” said Director Richard B. Dasher, who has led the organization since 1993. Dasher holds a doctorate in linguistics from Stanford.

Although research motivates industry leaders to engage with the center, according to Dasher, one of its main functions is determining the most effective value chains. US-ATMC often acts as a coordinator between innovators in Silicon Valley and their respective corporate headquarters outside California.

In facilitating partnerships among businesses, researchers, and government entities from the U.S. and throughout Asia, the center leverages its unique position to foster robust information exchange.

Dasher’s dedication to strengthening international ties earned him a Foreign Minister’s Commendation from Japan in August 2023 in recognition of his contributions to fostering friendship between Japan and other nations.


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