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3 core values that shape Singapore’s strong economy


3 core values that shape Singapore’s strong economy

It’s no accident the world’s most recognizable brands are present in Singapore. With a total land area of only 734.3 sq. Km., the island state is dubbed The Little Red Dot. But, what the country lacks in size, it makes up for in economic dynamism.

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce CEO Victor Mills

As of 2023, Singapore ranked 4th among 64 countries in the World Competitive Index, surpassed only by Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland.

In an interview with GMI POST, Singapore International Chamber of Commerce CEO Victor Mills explained that because of a scarcity of natural resources, Singapore’s private, public, and non-government sectors have had to collaborate closely to achieve its economic strength.

“Industrial relations are no longer adversarial like they were in the 50’s. They’re consensual because everybody realizes that we’re all in the same boat. The answer is to work together. Similarly, there is racial and religious harmony. We’re a multiracial society,” Mills said.

Harmony. Intention. Partnership.

Those three words are simple enough to be appreciated by elementary school children. Yet, the same words characterize Singapore’s economic policies, world-class infrastructure, highly skilled workforce, and leadership in innovation.

By adhering to those core values, Singaporeans have entered into a social contract that secures a good quality of life for its people.

Among the key stakeholders, SICC contributes to the strong social and economic framework by being strategic and innovative. Mills explained that over the years, the organization has served both local and multinational corporations, positioning it as a “Singaporean chamber with a global perspective”.

Currently, SICC has partnered with the Singaporean American School. The collaboration aims to benefit industries with a special focus on the education sector. 


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