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How one New Jersey city became an investment magnet


How one New Jersey city became an investment magnet

In the heart of New Jersey lies the industrial city of Elizabeth, a burgeoning metropolis under the leadership of Mayor James Christian Bollwage. Since assuming office in 1992, Bollwage has orchestrated a strategic transformation to steer the city toward economic prosperity.

Elizabeth Mayor James Christian Bollwage

Bollwage’s vision transcends conventional municipal governance as it embodies a commitment to fostering sustainable growth and nurturing a vibrant economy.

“We must not only adapt to change but drive it ourselves,” Bollwage told GMI POST.

Under his stewardship, Elizabeth has emerged as an example of opportunity, attracting both domestic investors and international ventures seeking a strategic foothold in the American market, especially with Port Elizabeth.

Central to Bollwage’s agenda is the cultivation of a robust service economy tailored to meet the evolving needs of the current marketplace. Embracing innovation as the cornerstone of progress, he has championed initiatives aimed at harnessing the city’s human capital and technological infrastructure,

Reflecting on his transformative policies, Bollwage said, “Economic revitalization is not a solitary endeavor; it is a collaborative endeavor that requires the concerted efforts of government, business, and community stakeholders.”

The mayor stressed that he would foster a climate of cooperation and synergy wherein public-private partnerships flourish and entrepreneurial spirit thrives.

Through strategic investments in infrastructure, education, and workforce development, Bollwage has laid the foundation for sustained prosperity, ensuring that Elizabeth remains an attractive destination for investment and innovation.

“In the city of Elizabeth, we have a slogan: It all starts here. This could refer to the history of our city, but it also could refer to the investment or the future investment in our city. This is the entry point for the goods that come from all around the world. I think that the entrepreneurs and corporations would find our city to be a very welcoming place,” Bollwage said.


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