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West Virginia’s Polymer Alliance Zone has a new investor

Johanna Diago

West Virginia’s Polymer Alliance Zone has a new investor

The Polymer Alliance Zone (PAZ) of West Virginia has welcomed a new arrival to its thriving hub of producers of specialty and engineering polymers and related industries.

For nearly 80 years, Japan-based SOMAR Corp. has built a solid reputation for its specialized materials across Asia and wants to establish a presence in North America. The family-owned business will reportedly spend $2.5 million and hire 25 new workers for its new facility.

State officials and SOMAR executives gathered in West Virginia’s Governor’s Mansion to celebrate the impending arrival of the Polymer Alliance Zone’s newest locator. (Photo source: Office of the Governor)

“We’re so happy with our decision to invest in West Virginia. We look forward to growing our North American business from this new location. By leasing an existing building in the PAZ park, we can start production and begin serving our U.S. customers promptly,” said SOMAR President Futoshi Sotani.

Spread out across seven counties, PAZ of West Virgina is responsible for 30% of all natural gas produced in the United States. Its advantage rests in the Utica and shale formations that serve as the second most productive natural gas and oil fields globally. Aside from reduced costs associated with NGL extractions, PAZ is surrounded by complementing energy-intensive industries.

The surrounding area also meets between 70 and 80 percent of the nation’s demand for polyethylene and polypropylene.

Some of the companies in PAZ include DuPont, SABIC, Bayer Corporation, Star Plastics Inc., Polymer Alliance Services, and Kraton Corporation.

Established in 1986, PAZ was an initiative of the governor’s office and its original mandate was to attract investors, expand research and development, create a hub for polymer producers and related industries, and support economic and workforce development in Cabell, Wayne, Jackson, Wood, Pleasants, Tyler and Mason counties.

Johanna Diago

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